Thursday, March 3, 2016

Education To  A Better Future

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.

Education in Indonesia is commonly divided into stages from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and then college or university. Indonesia has an education program that we already know, which is “Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun” or 9-year compulsory education. That means that we have to be educated at least until junior high school. That is our country’s ideal goal right now.

But I think, we have to step up our goal now. Today is a globalization era, we could keep up with what happens in another country and we have to compete with them at almost everything in order to create our own prosperous country. As one of a country’s generation, here is some of my advice.

First, direct students into their interest since the beginning. I think we should start this one from preschool or kindergarten. To create a successful generations, we have to make them like what they do, and it can only be done if they are interested with it. So, find their interest using skill-building toys or activities such as toy oven, xylophone, blocks, drawing, singing, and more. We can do that in a fun way in kindergarten. And also, it is a good way to see children’s interest since children at that age have high curiosity. The earlier we begin, the faster we could see our dream come true.  

Second, make school activities more fun and somewhat related to daily lives. It is to create an illustration in the next stage of the children’s life. We can play a game where they can experience various jobs or professions. The point is to make experience as many as we can so that our country’s generation know what to do in their next stage of life. I think it’s important to help them know the ideal of successful life.

Lastly, increase religious activities as effective as possible. We should prepare our generation to succeed not only in life, but also in the afterlife. Of course we could not guarantee it, but at least they have to know about the importance that life is not everything and cleverness is nothing without a strong faith. We must have faith and belief in something, because it is meant to straighten our road of life. I know a quote “Belajar tanpa berdoa itu sombong, berdoa tanpa belajar itu bohong”. In English, it means studying without praying is cocky, while praying without studying is a lie. I agree with it because we were given knowledge by God, so we should be grateful by praying to God. But if we only pray without doing anything,of course we get nothing. So, both of them must be balanced.

I think that’s enough of an opinion. I’m sorry if there are mistakes that I made. And, thank you. :)

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